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100% of the proceeds support the Iowa Girl Cops Are Awesome Cancer Projects for cancer patients. 
100% of the proceeds support the Iowa Girl Cops Are Awesome Cancer Projects for cancer patients. 
Cops Against Cancer is a proud partner of the Girl Cops Against Awesome Cancer Projects. 

The Girl Cops Are Awesome organization is comprised of several law enforcement agencies throughout Iowa and includes members from patrol, detectives, neighborhoods, "gold braid" and more. 

They are so very proud of all females in law enforcement who make a difference in a profession traditionally known as "man's work" because their know what an important role females really play! 

Their focus is making a difference by identifying, supporting and paying-forward to "protect and serve" 
cancer families in need!
Girl Cops are Awesome is a group of female law enforcement officers, joined by a few brave men, civilian support staff and spouses, from agencies around the Central Iowa area with Federal, State, County and City law enforcement affiliations all with the common goal of bringing awareness and charitable support to groups throughout Iowa.

The group collects donations from around the Metro area specific to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. They provide designer bags filled with necessities and personal hygiene items that cancer patients can utilize during their treatments. 

In October 2017, over 200 bags were delivered around to Blanks Children's Hospital and John Stoddard Cancer Center in Des Moines, Ia.

In 2018, we assisted by providing 400 Chemo-Comfort Bags to five Metro Area Cancer Centers including Blank Children's Hospital, Broadlawns Medical Center, John Stoddard Cancer Center, Mercy Cancer Center and The Des Moines’ Veteran’s Hospital, where approximately $26,000.00 was raised with product-in-kind donations and dollars specifically for this project.

In their not-so-spare time, the group advocates for several other non-profit groups, volunteers time & labor, and provides representation on several boards with the goal of bringing quality of life improvements to the people of Iowa while representing a positive image of law enforcement officers, thus proving Girl Cops really are Awesome!